Tall oil lamp on adjustable heavy brass stand.
£135 -
Steel engraving ‘Course of the River Mole’, 1841
£320 -
Edwardian pine glass slide box
£60 -
A beautiful map of the World on Mercator’s Projection from George Philip’s ‘Imperial General Atlas’
£375 -
Very detailed original copper engraved map of the area around London
£900 -
A very charming pictorial map of London.
£700 -
A charming pocket map of London, drawn and engraved by John Archer for John Gilbert
£350 -
Good quality reproduction mahogany extending dining table
£575 -
Edwardian oak letter/newspaper rack,
£125 -
Lovely collection of fine quality reproduction leather sports
Reproduction ‘Victorian style’ mahogany pedestal desk.
£475 -
Victorian faded mahogany kneehole desk.