Carved Oak Panelling

Various lengths of carved oak panelling, also linen fold available as well as other old timbers.

Edwardian Barrel Planter

Edwardian oak barrel planter on oak stand. With brass rings and makers label ‘R.A.Lister & Co. Ltd. Dursley England’.

Oak Stick Barometer

A fine oak stick barometer by J. Hicks of London Circa 1820. It features particulaly fine carving to the reservoir and the pediment.

Negretti and Zambra Barometer

A most unusual Negretti and Zambra barometer in an oak and ebonised wood, with mercury thermometer. Beautiful clear scales with twin verniers. Guaranteed for 1 year.

Edwardian Oak Chairs

A pair of Edwardian oak chairs with finely detailed carving and the original caned seats.

Various Perpetual Calenders

Some of the many Edwardian walnut, oak and mahogany desk top and circular wall-mounted perpetual calenders in stock.